time people come together and engage in sexual activities outside the
covering and ordination of God, in holy matrimony, marriage, is to
celebrate lustfulness and fulfill desires of the flesh. These acts of
coming together to celebrate sexual encounters and satisfy lust actually
become an act of worship to Jezebel’s Ba’al. When the result of this
act of worship produces and unwanted
pregnancy and the unborn child is aborted the entire process completes
an almost perfect satanic ritual wherein the final result is that the
child is offered up as a blood sacrifice, the spirit of the people
becomes tormented and all participants condemned.
In this nation a
child is sacrificed on average every two minutes, that’s more than one
million per year. In this nation it is said that nearly eighty two
percent of the population claims to be Christian. Who are you, where are
you and who is teaching you so? Jesus was not a pacifist. He was
neither silent nor complacent.
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." Matt 10:34
Christ Jesus of Nazareth was a warrior, he was compassionate yes but also controversial,
correctional, and confrontational, so much so the religious leaders and
rulers of his time sought to kill him, stone him, because he spoke up
and revealed their iniquities and errant teachings. Woe be unto the
pastors, preachers and teachers. Renew your mind. Fear Not!