Monday, June 25, 2012

Two prophecies

Some time ago I was given these prophecies. It is only until recently that HE has released me to publicly speak of them.
Nearly a year ago God spoke to me about a great revival an awakening, and a great judgment. That as a result of this revival, all governments will be forced to change the way they do business, the way they operate. The old immoral self serving ways will no longer be accepted and tolerated. Improprieties and secret agendas will be revealed and discarded.  I did share this with a number of people including pastors and other religious leaders then. I am excited to see that this has begun worldwide and is growing city by city at an unprecedented rate and on such a scale, a movement so large, that no man will be able to stop it for it is of Yehovah, our creator the Genesis 1 God and no man will be able to claim responsibility for it. No man or group will be able to bottle it and sell it as something they have done and any who attempt to will be exposed as a fraud. Too often in the past, movements of God were short lived because men sought to lay claim to them and capitalize from them monetarily, creating denominations and division within HIS body, breaking His heart.
 An end to oppression and tyranny through economics is near. God is moving. An increasing amount of people are beginning to realize that under the current system no one in America can be debt free, money, specifically the Federal Reserve Note, is a debt instrument. Though we have been forced into its use, it never was and can never be a blessing from our Creator for it represents debt and by its nature and use forces an exponential rise in debt, loss of liberty, loss of property and an increase in servitude to the owner of the note, a private banking cartel. In this nation there once was an alternative to this fiat money, gold. God’s wealth is not paper created out of thin air supported by a fraudulent use of his title and a claim of trust in Him. God’s wealth is gold, silver, land, cattle, crops, water and other natural resources.  The value of God’s wealth cannot be controlled, inflated or deflated at the will of small groups of men intent upon controlling and taking from others. The fruits of a man’s labor belong to him, to give as he wills.
As this revival increases it becomes more important for the believer to speak life into various situations. Fear no man fear only God. Words are powerful. God will not turn his face from this nation. There will be no marshal law, there will be no persons put into internment camps. There will be no more loss of liberty. Violations of rights will not be tolerated. Due process cannot be suspended.
The wicked are overthrown, and are not: but the house of the righteous shall stand.
Prov 12:7 (KJV)

The truly Nobel are rising up, in honor, speaking reason, to defend their brethren, banding together to defend the blessing of liberty. What thrives in secrecy and darkness will be drug into the light where it will wither and die. This will help to assist the once blind supporters and rule enforcers to see their errors, convert, and join the ranks of the righteous. Worshipers are on the rise, worshiping in spirit and in truth helping to usher in unity and the Spirit of Truth.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chron 7:14 (KJV)

For religious leaders:

In an atmosphere of carnal reasoning and appetites of the flesh, using false teachings and doctrines of men, religious leaders have been attempting to use the Holy Spirit to entrap men, for the purposes of enriching themselves. Our creator looks upon this as prostitution of His Holy Spirit. God is working amongst these leaders to expose their operations, to shut them down. The Judge has come to proclaim an end to such; it has been going on for far too long. A leader of leaders is being convicted and convinced, for mercies sake, to repent of his transgressions and to assist God. This leader will be compelled to gather information on and summon other leaders into the presence of God.  God  will speak to them himself. He will explain why he has come and that because of their unlawful actions and teachings they have ruined and are ruining the lives of many unsuspecting people and that for their crimes, they are all arrested, prevented from proceeding. He will tell them not to bother to flee or disregard this word because he knows who they are. He will seek them out anywhere they go.  Those who refuse to repent will risk His judgment.

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