Hello, My name is Brenden Biggs and you are most likely here because you followed a link from " Read your Constitution" on Facebook.
I decided to write this short bio because I believe it important to convey a few principles that compel me to take the stances that I do and to provide testimony to help bolster your faith in the information that I am going to provide. There is no authority or power in hypocrisy and testimony, true testimony is empowering.
To begin with, I am a pastor some say Apostle, nevertheless, we over see a ministry in North Idaho. Now I know what some of you may be thinking but before you stop and click away from this page please keep reading.
If you are one who wants nothing to do with the western church because you believe it to be run by liars and hypocrites who want little more for you than to collect your money and establish your membership loyalty to them in order to expand their personal kingdoms, if you don't go to church because something down deep inside, perhaps a still small voice, tells you that the church has been corrupted? Well, I submit to you that what you are experiencing, in most cases, is the Spirit of God Himself speaking to you in an attempt to preserve you from being taken in by false doctrines and teachings.
"In the multitudes my people cry out for righteousness and leadership, there are millions more of my sheep who wander around outside My house then come into My house. This is because, by my spirit, they have seen the inequities that are practiced within today’s modern church model. Rectify this." (message for the nation)
We are working to rectify this and the Church is changing. It must change and return to God and His truths, or it will surely die.
I believe in God, I believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I study the scriptures and try my best to be a doer of the word and I have see His word manifest in my life. For example, Jesus said,
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16: 18,17
I believe and I have laid hands on and witnessed people who once were very ill, recover. I have witnessed a multitude of bonified miracles, I have been attacked multiple times by unseen forces that once put me in the hospital ER but were thwarted only by proclaiming the name of Jesus over me. I have had random strangers come to where I was ministering and threaten my life, one in the sanctuary of my own church who, in front of witnesses claimed to be the anti-christ sent by satan himself to destroy me. I have been spoken to by God in dreams and visions, documented them, prophesied them and watched them come to fruition in detail. I have many times witnessed the speaking of tongues and the translation thereof. I have heard from the lord and experienced His glorious presence. I believe God is real. Does this sound strange or weird to you? It did to me, until I lived through it. When I said yes to what the Lord had for my life, things got really exciting and its on the increase.
"In the multitudes my people cry out for righteousness and leadership, there are millions more of my sheep who wander around outside My house then come into My house. This is because, by my spirit, they have seen the inequities that are practiced within today’s modern church model. Rectify this." (message for the nation)
We are working to rectify this and the Church is changing. It must change and return to God and His truths, or it will surely die.
I believe in God, I believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I study the scriptures and try my best to be a doer of the word and I have see His word manifest in my life. For example, Jesus said,
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16: 18,17
I believe and I have laid hands on and witnessed people who once were very ill, recover. I have witnessed a multitude of bonified miracles, I have been attacked multiple times by unseen forces that once put me in the hospital ER but were thwarted only by proclaiming the name of Jesus over me. I have had random strangers come to where I was ministering and threaten my life, one in the sanctuary of my own church who, in front of witnesses claimed to be the anti-christ sent by satan himself to destroy me. I have been spoken to by God in dreams and visions, documented them, prophesied them and watched them come to fruition in detail. I have many times witnessed the speaking of tongues and the translation thereof. I have heard from the lord and experienced His glorious presence. I believe God is real. Does this sound strange or weird to you? It did to me, until I lived through it. When I said yes to what the Lord had for my life, things got really exciting and its on the increase.
I have said that to say this. I grew up in a house hold that, by my father's leading, was constantly filled with discussions and teachings on law, liberty, patriotism and constitutional principals. I, like many of you, always knew that there was something very wrong with our nation and could see a growing disparity between the practises of those in public office, the rules being levied upon the people and the constitutional principals I had come to know. The more I saw the disparity grow, the more I studied and investigated to find out how, what seemed to be gross violations of our Constitutional principals and civil rights could come to pass. Needless to say my studies grew deeper and led me to much truth that has helped to liberate me from the mire and angst that the mental prison set up by the powers that be hoped to use to subdue this great Nation of America and the minds of her freedom loving people. I assure you, the deception runs deep and you will find this out if you choose to keep reading and researching.
A few years ago the Lord spoke to me about the importance of swearing no oath to man thus limiting my ability to minister. Our ministry is free and natural. We are not incorporated and are bound by no duty or contract with man. To teach about and to lead in liberty requires liberty, for there is no power or authority in hypocrisy. A few years ago, the lord spoke to me about rescinding all contracts with man that serve to limit or waive any rights guaranteed me by Him. So a few years ago I rescinded and refused to renew my drivers License.
After being pulled over once last year, I found myself facing two criminal charges. One was failure to identify and another, driving without a license. It is because of my studies and my faith in what God had revealed to me and what He led me to say, that I was able to enter into court, speak plainly on the issues and witness the cases be dismissed. You see, as an American, you have the right to travel on any public roadway. At law, driving and traveling are two different actions and the requirement to provide identification is only for those who have contracted to do so. In essence, if you have contracted to get a license then that contract legally compels you to provide the id when asked by any law enforcement officer. By contract, failure to provide id is a breach of that contract. It is only by the power of your agreement that the process is valid. Absent the contract, there is no agreed requirement. The power is actually in your hands.
I will continue to post information to hopefully increase your desire to gain the knowledge. I do not promise to have all the answers and I urge you to do your own due diligence and research. Nothing that I have to provide is for sale, all is freely given. I am not an attorney nor pretend to be. I like you am simply a lover of This Nation and its steadfast principals of liberty endowed to us by God and certified in our Constitution.
A few years ago the Lord spoke to me about the importance of swearing no oath to man thus limiting my ability to minister. Our ministry is free and natural. We are not incorporated and are bound by no duty or contract with man. To teach about and to lead in liberty requires liberty, for there is no power or authority in hypocrisy. A few years ago, the lord spoke to me about rescinding all contracts with man that serve to limit or waive any rights guaranteed me by Him. So a few years ago I rescinded and refused to renew my drivers License.
After being pulled over once last year, I found myself facing two criminal charges. One was failure to identify and another, driving without a license. It is because of my studies and my faith in what God had revealed to me and what He led me to say, that I was able to enter into court, speak plainly on the issues and witness the cases be dismissed. You see, as an American, you have the right to travel on any public roadway. At law, driving and traveling are two different actions and the requirement to provide identification is only for those who have contracted to do so. In essence, if you have contracted to get a license then that contract legally compels you to provide the id when asked by any law enforcement officer. By contract, failure to provide id is a breach of that contract. It is only by the power of your agreement that the process is valid. Absent the contract, there is no agreed requirement. The power is actually in your hands.
I will continue to post information to hopefully increase your desire to gain the knowledge. I do not promise to have all the answers and I urge you to do your own due diligence and research. Nothing that I have to provide is for sale, all is freely given. I am not an attorney nor pretend to be. I like you am simply a lover of This Nation and its steadfast principals of liberty endowed to us by God and certified in our Constitution.
Hosea 4:6King James Version (KJV)
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."
Do not resist knowledge. It is power.
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