There exists today two Nations in America. One, organic and natural, a Constitutional Republic founded upon the principles of liberty and justice. This America recognizes the sovereignty of man over governments and unalienable rights of the individual. This nation also recognizes the fact that it is God Himself who grants us our rights and because His authority cannot be usurped by man, we cannot be alienated from them, hence the term unalienable, (Declaration of Independence 1776). The other Nation, The UNITED STATES, is a corporate fiction. A nation of contractual agreements, founded upon the principles of the Uniform Commercial Code, Federal Reserve act and bankruptcy. It is ruled by greed and the love of the federal reserve note. In this nation, the individual is not considered sovereign but subject and rights only exist if they are decisively and specifically claimed by the individual, (UCC 1-308), otherwise, it is assumed that all rights have been waived by conditions of contracts made by or on behalf of the individual. It is advantageous for this nation to thrive, that Almighty God is removed from the public square thus rendering the knowledge of His authority somewhat ineffectual in restricting the effect of the powers that are leading this. To better understand this follow the link below and read. Knowledge is power and truth will make you free if you know it.
I have seen the death of both of these Nations and this year, 2016 is the beginning of that process. The fictitious nation ruled by corporate interests will fall, be stripped of its covering and completely exposed in detail. It will die and cannot be revived, while the Natural one, though made lifeless, can and will be revived. As in the scene of Ezekiel and the valley of the dry bones we must prophesy Resurrection, breath life back into the Nation that God has created and inspired.
Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.
So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army. Ezekiel 37: 9-10
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