God is real, His word is true and it will speak to you and so will He.
Not Long ago I was awoken in the night by a voice in my room. It said one word, “Habakkuk”. I went to my bible and found the book of Habakkuk the prophet and began to read. As I read the word, His spirit began to pour into me revelation after revelation. As I read I could not help but realize how timely, how appropriate and how relevant is our Creator. In Habakkuk 1:3-4 the prophet writes, “Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.
Who cannot see plainly today the evidence of spoiling and violence? Who cannot see the rise in strife and contention epically when it comes to the activities and interactions of former and current elected officials of this nation? Who cannot plainly see today the rise in strife and contention caused by the news media vying to maintain their control of the conclusions the population comes to based upon their reporting, true or not? Who cannot see plainly that in certain cases the law does in fact seem to be slack and the wicked are escaping judgment for their inequities seemingly shielded by their positions or wealth or powerful connections? Can no one see the influence these events have had and how the lack of prosecution sends a wrong message to the world not to mention upcoming generations of possible elected officials? Today, wrong judgment certainly does abound. How relevant is the word of God!
Thus saith the Lord, I gave this Nation to the people to rule, righteously, in my name, but as in the days of Saul the people turned their backs and gave the rule over to unrighteous servants and made them kings and queens.
It’s time for the people to take it back under His righteousness.
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