Sunday, December 17, 2017

Thou Shalt not bare false witness

God hates a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

      When a lie is created it immediately begins to permeate the very fabric of our existence, potentially changing the lives of others in dynamic ways and most often, for the worse.
When a person lies they immediately set up a camp to help defend themselves, bolster their position and protect the value of their falsehood as it is proliferated. As the impact of the lie grows, so too must the camp, especially if the lie was begun by a person closely linked to a sect of people that symbiotically support each other with in a system. The system and the actors within the system must protect itself while protecting and supporting the actions of their own to maintain a perception of integrity and validity even if the actions were blatantly wrong. Usually as the lie grows, more are added to it to explain faults that time allows question to expose with regard to the original assertion. 

      As the lie grows, more are added to it by more people thus the camp grows and sometimes given the nature of the people involved and by the nature of their position in society the camp can grow into a great walled fortress where the bearers of false witness stand together upon these walls they have built, while arrogantly looking down upon the people they have deceived and brought destruction to, all the while smugly mocking them from their apparent position of safety, superiority and impunity.

      This is analogous to what has happened to Ari, Diamond and Elisha Melhoff. Because those with carnal minds cannot understand their relationship, positions were taken, lies begun and evidence manufactured by others, in order to destroy them. It’s that simple. Nearly everyone involved in this matter that has come against this family is guilty of baring false witness, manufacturing evidence through false testimony and or knowingly disseminating false testimony. In my view some are guilty of using their public authority to illegally impose a penalty upon Ari and Diamond simply because their beliefs are in conflict, while there is in actually, no violation at law to substantiate any legal penalty for such beliefs. Further, I believe some are guilty of conspiracy and conspiracy to deprive them of their due process rights.

      But what do I know? I’m just a Pastor, an Apostle of the most high God, but as such I know that it is written, “Thou shalt not bare false witness”. I know it is written, that he who bares false witness is hated by God and in Proverbs 6 the scriptures say that “his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.” I know that it is written, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; Unfortunately those who stand upon the fortress walls that they have built forget something very important as they seek to rule the people with deception. There is A God and He utterly breaks down fortress walls.

      One day everyone will stand before Christ Jesus, with fire in His eyes and His feet Shod in brass to give a full account of their words and deeds. In that day no title, office, badge, gun, robe, gavel nor orders from a superior will afford you any protection.

Repent for the remission of sin for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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