Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Two Nations

Within the borders of this Country today there exists two similar yet vastly different Nations. One is The United States Of America. America is a free and natural Constitutional Republic wherein, the people thrive in the light of the Glory, truth and righteousness of the Genesis 1 God, our creator. In America, without question, the status structure is first God, then man, endowed by God with certain unalienable rights. In America, “We The People” are self governing and we appoint and employ voluntary servants to perform the tasks associated with governance. Of primary importance is the task of protecting and defending the rights, persons, property, privacy and liberties of the people. This structure is certified by a set of laws inspired by God, his Laws and a multitude of historical events that evidence his existence. The foundation for this set of laws, the common law, is recorded in the form of a Constitution. The Constitution of The United States of America and the individual States therein, serve to certify and publish the rights of the people as well the limitations of the power of those appointed to serve in government. In America it is assumed that no rights have been waived by the individual and that all are protected and respected. In America the people are free to assemble and speak. In America God’s Church is free to preach and teach with impunity to man yet not to God. In America the terms militia, and sovereignty are well revered and understood. In America the military and law enforcement are charged with the protection of the State. In America the term State means a group of people who live within the boundaries of a certain territory.
In our Country’s and State’s borders there also exists an alternate pseudo NATION, THE UNITED STATES and the STATE/s, respectively. THE UNITED STATES is a registered corporation, as is now each state. This NATION is built upon the foundation of commerce. In this nation fictitious entities and banking powers thrive in the shadows of deception and secrecy, behind the protection of a corporate veil. The status structure in this NATION is based upon either monetary worth or positions held within a corporate structure, or both. The highest rankings are those who hold official titles within the corporate structure ie: President, Vice president, CEO, whether that corporation is public or private. All others are considered consumers or the servant cast. The laws of this NATION are inspired by commercial interaction; they are commerce laws, laws of admiralty, equity, contracts, banking and bankruptcy, laws of men. At the foundation of this system of laws is the UCC, Uniform Commercial Code. In this NATION it is assumed that the citizens are not entitled to any constitutional rights or protections, unless the citizen claims such a right when appropriate. This is because it is assumed that each citizen has joined this corporate NATION or the corporate STATE in which they live, unwittingly though it may have been, by entering into contracts that usurp their constitutional rights. Read UCC 1-308. In this NATION, Godly principals and reminders are being removed so as not to inspire dissention or in any way compete with the ideals and/or authority assumed by intellectual leadership. In this NATION, the meaning of common terms are skewed and twisted by legal definitions this language is called legalese and it is serves to confuse, confound and ensnare sovereign (free) individuals into servitude through contracts. In this NATION individuals are considered a corporate asset or property which can be bonded and the bonds traded on the world stock market. In this NATION, individuals are free to assemble and speak only as approved by STATE/CITY corporate policy. In THE UNITED STATES, the CHURCH can preach and teach so long as the subject matter is not in violation of predetermined guidelines as set forth in the rules and regulations determined by the contractual agreement with a foreign corporate banking institution. In THE UNITED STATES the terms militia and sovereignty have been demonized and cast in a negative light. In THE UNITED STATES the military and law enforcement are charged with the protection of the STATE. In THE UNITED STATES the term STATE means the incorporated offices and officers of government.
"The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government." City of Dallas v Mitchell, 245 S.W. 944

Just say NO!

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