For many, in a competitive effort to please man, to build ever larger boxes for the purposes of collecting people, collecting bill payers, share holders, and repeat customers, the corporate church has become acquiescent to the very devils they have been commissioned to cast out. The people in the pews are sheep not share holders. For how long will the fear of losing money and a customer base hold the church captive? For how long will the corporate church be seduced by convenience. It is partly because of this that now the very unclean spirits that He has given us power over have gained much power and are wreaking havoc in this nation. We cannot serve two masters. In Jesus name stop fearing to offend unclean spirits and the people that they are attached to. As these demons are avoided, skirted around, romanced, and entertained, brothers and sisters are receiving Satan’s ministry and are falling prey to abominations. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. Matt 10:7-8
We all know that if you are not willing to fulfill a role that our Father requests of you, he will raise up someone else to carry it out. It saddens me, but there is a spirit of torment coming to many church leaders. God is rising up some Davids. Isn’t it a shame that He has to raise up the likes of a chicken restaurant chain and a hobby store chain to help lead where those who were appointed to, fear to?
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